Artificial Intelligence

Discover what's behind the lyrics

Get deeper into the meaning of lyrics and song metadata thanks to our powerful Artificial Intelligence platform trained by millions of passionate music fans

Trained by millions of users

Thanks to a worldwide audience of passionate music fans using Musixmatch apps every day we've built a massive dataset to train our AI models and extract deep metadata from any song.

Understand the real meaning behind lyrics

Musixmatch AI reveals the structure and the meanings of lyrics by offering powerful machine learning models and natural language processing techniques based on the largest lyrics dataset.

Through Musixmatch AI we extract deep metadata from the lyrics like entities, explicitness, sentiment, emotions and topics to get the complete understanding of a song.

Know  the mood of every song

Millions of Musixmatch users tag the mood of the song while listening to their favorite songs and thanks to our AI platform we’re able to combine that data to automatically tag any song.

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Create personalized recommendations

Thanks to our Deep Neural Networks models Lyrics2Vec and Artist2Vec we build personalized playlists recommendations based on song audio and lyrics metadata.

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