your lyrics everywhere

Join Musixmatch ProJoin Musixmatch Pro

We work with world-renowned businesses from the music industry to bring your favorite music to life.

Making music better, together

Contribute to the world's biggest music catalog
Over 20 million people from around the world contribute to creating the largest catalog of lyrics ever. How cool is that?
Ensure lyrical perfection
Local Content Editor teams across the globe ensure that all lyrics meet our high standards. Reviewing all content submitted to verify its authenticity.
Manage your lyrics catalog
Verified artists are able to manage and distribute their own lyric catalog on any international music channel – such as Spotify or Instagram.
Deep data for listener insight
Our proprietary AI has been built by the millions of users on our platform. It is able to extract deep metadata such as entities and moods but also audio features like tempo and valence.
Earn royalties from global distribution
We work with thousands of music publishers across the globe to maximize song success. We provide reports summarizing usage data on third party platforms and pay royalties directly back to the rights’ owners.

The latest news from Musixmatch

Announcing Strategic Investment from TPG

Partnership Strengthens Musixmatch’s Position and Drives Creator-Centric Expansion Opportunities.

Welcome to Rio Caraeff, our new Chief Business Officer

Caraeff will oversee all commercial activity across Musixmatch’s businesses globally.

Get fluent with Spotify lyrics

We are so excited to officially announce that Musixmatch has been chosen by Spotify to power their lyrics expansion.

Let's talk
We'd love to hear how we can help you take your music experience to the next level.
Work with us
Want to help us build products reaching millions of music lovers worldwide? We’re always on the lookout for talented people to join our team.