Get your lyrics everywhere

Distribute your lyrics on Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Amazon Music, Google and many more.

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How to distribute your lyrics

Join Musixmatch Pro
Create your creator profile and verify all the artists you collaborate with in order to manage their lyrics catalog.
Verify your lyrics
Add, edit and sync your lyrics on your own or outsource your lyrics editing to our expert curators.

Once verified they will be displayed as your official lyrics.
Distribute your lyrics in  just few hours
Distribute your lyrics across all the major digital streaming services and social networks like Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, Amazon Music, Google and many more.
pro paid plans

Outsource lyrics curation to our experts

We will select the best curator available from our pool of experts, based on the language of the song and genre, to ensure the best output possible so that you can focus on what you love most: making music.
early access for paid subscribers

Create Lyric Videos for Socials

A new, powerful tool that makes it easy to create short clips and full videos for your songs with synced lyrics, and share them on social media.


Join a community of over 500,000 artists that use their lyrics to go beyond words

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